Sunday, May 12, 2019
From Cindy Murphy
May 11, 2019
(Click image to enlarge)
September 2012: Ohio Legislators approve Sub. Senate Bill 342, which gives the STRS Ohio Retirement Board sole authority to adjust the COLA.
July and August 2013: STRS Ohio reduces the COLA from 3% to 2% for all current and future retirees with a one year COLA freeze after July 1, 2013 for 07/01/2012 retirees and before, followed by 2% COLAs for the 2014, 2015 and 2016 Fiscal Years; while retirees on and after August 1, 2013 must wait 5 years before receiving their first COLA. UPDATE: The five year mark has passed and post 08/01/2013 retirees have yet to receive their first COLA and earlier retirees will have lost 5 promised COLA values as of 07/01/2019, each originally valued at 3%. That is 7.5 years worth of 2% COLA values.
2017: STRS Ohio announces the suspension of the COLA. [April 20, 2017: STRS Board votes to suspend the COLA]
May 2017: Joe Lupo creates the Ohio STRS Member Only Forum.
July 2017: The STRS COLA is suspended.
May 2018: Dean Dennis launches the petition to Respect Ohio’s Retired Teachers, Restore Their Promised COLA.
May 2018: Dean Dennis becomes the Spokesperson for the Ohio STRS Member Only Forum.
August 2018: Ohio Retired Teachers Association (ORTA) posts information about the petition and the Ohio STRS Member Only Forum on their website.
September 2018: Ohio Federation of Teachers (OFT) posts information about the petition on their website.
September 2018: Ohio Retired Teachers Association (ORTA) and Ohio STRS Member Only Forum (OSMOF) send letters to all members of the Ohio General Assembly requesting their support in restoring the COLA and preserving our retirement benefits.
September 2018: Toledo Federation of Teachers (OFT) invites members of the STRS Ohio Retirement Board to attend a meeting with members of TFT to discuss the suspension of the COLA. The meeting is cancelled. [STRS Board members do not agree to attend such a meeting.]
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