Friday, May 29, 2020
*”The people overseeing your pension are not knowledgeable about pensions or investments. They are incapable of making sound decisions and cannot be trusted to tell you the complete truth about how the pension is doing;"
*The Wall Street firms that have been hired by your pension to manage its assets are profiting at the expense of your pension (aka looting).” (p.255)
This ineptitude has created all the problems we are seeing with the fund. The Wall Streeters have targeted this ineptitude of public pension boards to loot your pension. In his 30+ years of doing forensic audits, rarely has Ted Siedle seen public pension boards actually represent the people they are supposed to...the stakeholders...retirees and actives.
Ted Siedle says the main cause of the pension crisis is “mismanagement of the investments” (p.99).
Correcting this is the “fix” to the crisis. Not once anywhere I have heard STRS or its board discuss this epicenter of the crisis.
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