Friday, October 30, 2020
Exposing Outrageous STRS Behaviors
By Bob Buerkle
October 30, 2020
Originally posted on OHIO STRS Member Only Forum (Facebook)
While we are in this time of fundraising for an outside Fiduciary Audit of STRS, I have decided to write down one or more thoughts every day or so over the next week, in order to shine some light “Exposing Outrageous STRS Behavior” and why an Audit is justified. I hope this will inspire you to make a donation towards this “Audit” objective which is simple to do by going to, but equally or more important, please send out this same request to the appropriate contacts on your own email list. Because this is a closed forum I cannot make this thread sharable but feel free to highlight, copy and paste my future comments into your own emails to friends. My list begins with the first two below. If I ever reach an end to these “Outrageous STRS Behavior’s” I will post the entire list at a future date and on our several websites. Feel free to add any other “Outrageous STRS Behaviors” that you know of in your comments on the website. I will try to read them all. Hopefully we can reach the $75,000 goal in less than a month and I thank you in advance.
Here are the first two “Outrageous STRS Behaviors”:
1. Why do 17 of the top 20 highest paid Pension Employees of Ohio’s five Public Retirement Systems work at STRS, for us, but STRS still cannot afford to pay our Retirees their COLA?
2. Why should 85 of our STRS Employees make more than the governor of Ohio, four of whom make four times as much as the Governor?
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