Saturday, November 28, 2020

Governor DeWine appoints Wade Steen to a second 4-year term on the STRS Board

From Wade Steen
November 28, 2020

Hi Kathie I wanted to let you know its official and I will be serving another 4 years on the STRS Board. My Mother-in- Law administered the oath of office to me yesterday with assistance from my daughter. I posted a few pictures on FB. I am guessing there are a few people that aren’t happy about me being around 4 more years, but that is not who I’m appointed to serve and represent.
I hope you can take a moment to thank Governor DeWine for reappointing me.
Best always

To Wade Steen
November 28, 2020

Wade --
Thank you so much for sharing your good news. The handful of us who have just found out (so far) about your reappointment to the STRS Board are over the moon with your announcement! 
Congratulations to you for being assigned to another four years on the Board -- and to US for the good fortune of HAVING you there! It's been YEARS since we've seen your kind of truly committed leadership (since Dennis Leone) on behalf of the STRS membership, active and retired. Your job won't be easy, but you can rest assured we will be behind you every step of the way!
Thank you, Wade Steen! You are a gleaming ray of sunshine in a room that's been dark for a long, long time.

To Governor Mike DeWine
November 28, 2020 

Dear Governor DeWine,
I know I speak for many in thanking you for appointing Wade Steen to another four years on the Board of our State Teachers Retirement System, STRS Ohio. 
At a time when STRS has been touted repeatedly (by them) as one of the most outstanding pension systems in the country, they have drastically reduced the benefits of the STRS members, most notably completely eliminating our COLA as promised in the ORC. All this while also requiring greater contributions and longer working years from our active teachers. Where all this money is going is anyone's guess, as we are not seeing it. 
Wade Steen has demonstrated his full commitment to restoring to Ohio's teachers, retired and active, what they have worked hard for all their lives and what is rightfully theirs. I have no doubt that his strong leadership on the STRS Board will make a big difference in those lives. For this we are extremely grateful, and thank you for giving him another four years to make things right for the dedicated educators, past and present, of our great state. 
Thank you, Governor DeWine!
Kathie Bracy
Retired Ohio teacher
Larry KehresMount Union Collge
Division III
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