Monday, December 21, 2020

Another Read from Edward Siedle's book, 'Who Stole My Pension?'

If you haven't yet donated to the fund for the forensic audit of STRS, you need to read this excerpt from Who Stole My Pension? by Robert Kiyosaki and Edward Siedle. If you have kindly donated, you may want to consider donating again after reading this. It may sound very familiar to those who have been following STRS Board decisions over the years and observed how pensioners have steadily lost ground while the STRS staff and investment personnel have gained BIG time. Six-figure salaries and bonuses handed out right and left? Did we get anything like that when we were teaching? Read on!

Chapter Twenty-Two (Excerpt)
Page 255
Join Others to "Crowdfund" an Investigation of Your Pension
Hopefully, at this point in our book, it is clear to you that:
1. The world is faced with a retirement crises;
2. The pension benefits you have been "promised" during retirement are in danger;
3. The people overseeing your pension are not knowledgeable about pensions or investments. They are incapable of making sound decisions and cannot be trusted to tell you the complete truth about how the pension is doing;
4. The Wall Street firms that have been hired by your pension to manage its assets are profitiing at the expense of your pension (aka looting);
5. You can and should get involved in scrutinizing the pension you will be relying upon to provide your retirement security. 
But there is something much more powerful you can do.
Imagine this: You and your fellow pensioners can get together to fund a forensic investigation of your pension by a pension expert. In other words, hire your own expert to review - and get a second opinion - on whether the pension overseers and Wall Street "helpers" they have hired to manage your pension are doing a good job.
For the cost of dinner for two at a middle-of-the-road restaurant, say $100, you and your fellow pensioners can retain an expert to investigate and provide a written report with recommendations to improve your pension and stop the looting. Is it worth a one-time contribution of $100 to protect a pension of, say, $1,000 a month for life?

Larry KehresMount Union Collge
Division III
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Vermont Teddy Bear Company