Saturday, August 21, 2021

ORTA Advocates for Ohio's Teachers: Active and Retired

From Cindy Murphy

August 21, 2021

Wondering whether or not you should join ORTA?
Watch Robin Rayfield’s presentation to members of the Warren County RTA.
  • Suspension of the COLA
  • Employee contributions
  • Forensic audit conducted by Edward Siedle
  • Lack of transparency at STRS
  • Systemic corruption at STRS
  • Benchmarks and bonuses at STRS
  • ORSC’s lack of oversight
  • Rudy Fichtenbaum’s plan to reduce risk and restore our pension benefits
  • Active versus passive investing
  • Gannett and Apollo and lack of media coverage
  • Panda Power and STRS Ohio’s $525 million loss
  • STRS Ohio’s real estate investments
  • POP5
“I don’t have any faith or trust in what the STRS people tell me. The leadership, the culture at STRS is broken, in my mind, beyond repair” - Robin Rayfield
Watch Robin Rayfield's presentation: 
The STRS Ohio Watchdogs is a grassroots organization of teachers in Ohio advocating for prudent and transparent managment of STRS Ohio.
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