Wednesday, September 08, 2021

Tom Curtis to Bill Neville: Handicapped persons should NEVER have been denied parking at STRS

From Tom Curtis

September 8, 2021
Dear Mr. Neville,
I support the request below from another STRS benefit recipient. Don’t deny it, it happened and never should have happened.
STRS stakeholders, including those who traveled several hours and one couple with a handicapped sticker requiring ADA compliance, were denied access to the STRS parking garage on August 19, 2021 for the STRS Board meeting. Our expectation is that, for future Board meetings, the parking garage will be open to its members on several floors and that access will continue to be respected throughout the day. Thank you in advance for accommodating the STRS members and making them feel welcome.
Please have some compassion for us,
Tom Curtis BR

Larry KehresMount Union Collge
Division III
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