Sunday, November 21, 2021

Online Public Disclosure Room: A place where you can look up salaries of all your union officials (particularly OEA; find out where your hefty dues money is going and who's getting it)

From John Curry

November 21, 2021
 ...just an FYI. Losing membership for 3 years in a row but gaining "Total Assets" during these same 3 years? Gee...I wonder if dues have decreased during these same 3 most recent years? This link came from the U.S. Department of Labor. All unions have to file these LM-2 reports annually.
You can look up the salaries of all OEA officials by going to the U.S. Dept. of labor and entering in the OEA's employer number 512-490 while doing a search of LM-2 forms. When you get to the OEA 2020 report click on it and scroll on down to "Schedule 11" and "Schedule 12" for the salaries data. If you are wondering about the OFT similar data their employer number is 513-310. There is a "night and day" difference in their payrolls. This search page is not user friendly! Here is the link:
Larry KehresMount Union Collge
Division III
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Vermont Teddy Bear Company