From Kathie Bracy
December 10, 2021
Subject: Yoel Mayerfeld, STRS Board Member
Sent to Ohio Treasurer Robert Sprague,
Dear Mr. Sprague,
Yoel Mayerfeld, who was appointed to the STRS Ohio Board by the State Treasurer, is nearing the end of his four year term on that Board. I am a retired STRS stakeholder, and can tell you he has been tremendously valuable as a member of that board.
Thousands of Ohio's retired teachers have not been receiving a COLA for years, contrary to the other four pension systems, because of poor management at STRS (though they continue to pay increasingly huge salaries and bonuses to untold numbers of STRS staff and employees). In addition, active teachers are now required to pay much more into the system (more now than their pension is worth) and work more years to qualify for retirement. With inflation skyrocketing as it has been doing in recent weeks, teachers, both active and retired, are hurting, and Yoel Mayerfeld is in a position to help us.
Mr. Mayerfeld's term on the STRS Board ends on January 7, 2022. I fervently hope you will see fit to reappoint him to that position. We need him!
Thank you.
Katherine B. Bracy
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