Wednesday, February 16, 2022

A heads-up for active teacher OEA members: You are paying far too high salaries (no wonder your dues are out of sight!) on TOP of your unspeakably high contribution to STRS

With special thanks to John Curry           
February 16, 2022
It was recently mentioned that our two Watchdogs Facebook pages are "anti-union." This is FAR from the truth. There are "good unions" and there are "bad unions," just like there are good people and there are bad people. In fact, there is a night and day difference in their pay scales also. IF you don't believe me take a look (below) at both unions' pay to their "top 10" employees. This data is PUBLIC INFORMATION as it came from the U.S. Dept. of Labor Forms LM-2 that every labor union has to file every year. If you go to our "Files" section you will find the entire pay data for both unions in Schedules 11 and 12 of their respective filings. Look under "Column D - Gross Salary Disbursements (before any deductions)" column. My personal opinion is that if you are an OEA are paying far too high salaries....kinda' like the STRS does with their investments folks. Here you and contrast. Once again, this is PUBLIC INFORMATION. I know which union I would like to join if I started back teaching tomorrow (I retired in 2000)!
P.S. Were you aware that the prior and current Secretary/Treasurers of the OEA (Tim Myers/Mark Hill) were both STRS Board members before they took their Secretary/Treasurer jobs at OEA?
Larry KehresMount Union Collge
Division III
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Vermont Teddy Bear Company