Wednesday, March 02, 2022

Rudy breaks the code: now we KNOW why those investors' bonuses have been so HUGE all this time - thanks to the sneaky way they have been figured! When an investment LOSES, THEY WIN, BIG TIME!!!

The Benchmark Scam - How STRS Manipulates Its Benchmarks to Enhance Bonuses
By Dr. Rudy Fichtenbaum
March 2, 2022
The purpose of this post is to show how, by manipulating its benchmark for alternative investments, STRS beats the benchmark for alternative investments, even though the benchmark is their actual performance. This outperformance as we will see affects not only alternative investments but the STRS total fund policy return. Manipulating this benchmark increases bonuses.
[ Important note from this blogger: 
On page 3 below, two highlighted numbers showed up as little black boxes. In both instances the number is .412 ]

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