Update from the Executive Director of ORTA, Dr. Robin Rayfield
From the March 2022 Newsletter of the Ohio Retired Teachers Association
March 24, 2022
ORTA recognizes that the increase is small when compared to what we were promised, however, we are proud to have been a large part of the pressure that forced STRS into increasing our benefit. From the beginning, ORTA opposed the loss of COLA. ORTA has been a voice for retirees and active educators in Ohio since 1947 working to protect and improve our pension. Certainly, this increase is a victory, but ORTA is not done fighting for our pension. ORTA will continue to advocate through any mean possible including:
● Providing information
● Working with legislators like Senator Tressa Fedor (sponsor of Senate bill 280)
● Educating STRS Board members
● Helping elect STRS board members that will ask questions and not simply be a
rubber stamp for STRS management
● Forcing STRS to become transparent with information related to investments
ORTA Endorsements for STRS Trustee Elections
ORTA’s Endorsement Committee met with all 6 candidates for STRS board of trustee
seats. The committee endorses the following people:
● Active seat -- Steven Foreman
● Active seat -- Julie Sellers
● Retiree seat – Elizabeth Jones
Each candidate’s questionnaire is posted later in this newsletter. Thanks to the endorsement committee for their work in making these endorsements: Chris DeMarco (chair), Dean Dennis SW Ohio, Kara Mendenhall Central Ohio, Bee Lehner SE Ohio, Brenda Davis SE Ohio, Steve Seagrave NW Ohio, and Carol Kinsey NE Ohio. Each STRS member will receive a ballot in early April. ORTA askes that you vote for our endorsed candidates. The only pathway to fixing our pension system depends on a board that will lead the staff, not a board that is led by the staff.
ORTA Liaisons
ORTA welcomes Gail Gronwall to the leadership team. Gail responded to ORTA’s plea for leaders and volunteered to serve as a liaison for the Northeast part of Ohio. Welcome, Gail!
ORTA Celebrates 75 Years!
ORTA has been engaged in advocacy for STRS retirees since 1947. 2022 marks our 75th anniversary. Our leadership team is currently planning a celebration. We would like to know your thoughts on what our celebration might include. Please feel free to reach out and share your thoughts.
Robin Rayfield, ORTA Executive Director
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