Monday, July 11, 2022

Facebook Group Ohio STRS Member Only Forum ('MOF'): Mission Statement by founder Joe Lupo, May 2017

This group has a vested interest in the Ohio State Retirement System (STRS) and it's fiduciary duty to properly manage "OUR" funds in the best interests of both active and retired members. Based on the past and present actions by the STRS Director and the STRS Board, it is now necessary to take action to RESTORE COLA and RESTORE STRS. We are now engaged in doing what should have been done years ago. Every system needs accountability and oversight. There must be changes, and those changes need to be made now. We can no longer wait and allow what is has happened and is happening to continue any longer. We must act now to insure that ALL STRS members have a financially sound retirement and in the future.

~Joe Lupo

Larry KehresMount Union Collge
Division III
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