Monday, August 22, 2022

What I posted on my Facebook page just now


Today (08/22/2022) ORTA sent out an email urging STRS members to sign a petition to block STRS Board member Carol Correthers from becoming chair of that Board on September 1. I fully support this endeavor. Correthers has been on that Board for a number of years, but has always favored the STRS staff OVER the teachers. Why is anyone's guess. In the spring election we were able to unseat three incumbents whose actions closely matched hers. Since her current term is not up till 2025, we cannot vote her out yet.
Correthers voted last week to reward our corrupt STRS staff nearly $10 million in bonuses after a year of losing $12 BILLION of YOUR money. The newspapers are saying $3 billion, but that is an incorrect figure. It's closer to $12 billion. If you are an active or retired teacher and a member of STRS, you know what has happened to your living standards, thanks to the STRS Board's supporting the numerous folks at STRS who are far more interested in getting rich than they are in helping you.
A major housecleaning is in order, and that's what more than 29,000 of us are trying to do. I'm referring to the Facebook group Ohio STRS Member Only Forum ("MOF" for short), which you, as an active or retired teacher member of STRS, can join if you haven't already: Long link. Click here
If you wish, you can also read my blog (Kathie Bracy's Blog) which contains close to 8,000 posts on STRS history as far back as 2003. Either way, you can get an education on what has been going on at your pension system.
This last link will take you to the email sent out this morning by ORTA (Ohio Retired Teachers Association, open to retired and active teachers); it will also take you to the petition to block Carol Correthers from becoming Board chair. We need a chairperson who has the best interests of active and retired teachers at heart, NOT the interests of those who subscribe to greed and entitlement at STRS. If you can share it with others, it will help all teachers.
Another long link; click here.
Larry KehresMount Union Collge
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