Words matter.
Several times, in the past few months, one of our Board members has intoned this phrase, usually when another Board member has dared to speak the truth.
Words matter.
And yet, last month, we heard some, attempting to coerce others into a sort of "groupspeak," claiming that all members must agree in public: a sort of Orwellian "1984" bizarre concept. Do some words matter, but not others?
We, who are allotted a measly 3 minutes each month, know that our words do not matter to some of you as we watch you scrolling through your screens while we speak. Your words for us? "Malcontents." "Troublemakers."
Yes, words do matter, but not only words you find agreeable to your own narrow point of view. Words of dissent sometimes hold more import than those of simple agreement. Words of dissent may help you to evolve into a Board more responsive to your stakeholders.
Words matter.
So, I prefer the words "truth-teller" to the word "troublemaker."
I prefer transparency instead of deception.
I prefer receptive instead of arrogance.
I prefer fiduciary rather than greed.
Index funds to cryptocurrency.
And benefits before bonuses.
These are the words that matter.
Members of MY Board, when will our words matter to you?
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