Wednesday, March 01, 2023

ORTA: It’s time for Bill Neville to save Ohio public education from further embarrassment and resign his position


March 1, 2023

At this February’s board meeting, the STRS board rejected a motion of confidence in STRS Executive Director Bill Neville and the long-time direction of the fund.

Director Neville failed to gain the support of the 11-member board in a vote of confidence that was introduced during a robust discussion about his failures in leadership and STRS’ dishonest reporting of investment performance used for million-dollar staff bonuses.

Click video below to watch. [Photo only below; click here instead.

STRS mismanagement has resulted in lost COLAs and broken promises for retired teachers while active teachers are being forced to pay more and work longer for less benefits.

ORTA is grateful for each board member who is taking the steps necessary to rebuild trust, bring needed transparency and deliver on the promise to provide a safe and secure retirement for our educators.

It’s time for Bill Neville to save Ohio public education from further embarrassment and resign his position.

Please consider lending your voice to our army of active and retired educators by clicking here to to submit a letter to the editor in your local newspaper calling for real leadership change at STRS and the end of the Neville administration.

Your voice matters.  Together we are making a difference.


250 E Wilson Bridge Rd, Worthington, OH 43085



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