Saturday, May 06, 2023

Joe Lupo: There will be no peace until there is justice for all STRS members

From Joe Lupo

May 6, 2023


I want all MOF members to know what happened with the governor's purely political removal of  Wade Steen from the board on Friday and today's election victory has fully re-energized the MOF Central Team  and myself as the founder and administrator.

Today is the first day of a renewed vision for our mission.  We will continue to move forward on behalf of our members and along with each of you will continue to expose and ultimately dismantle the political machine in Columbus, Ohio.  We all know that machine well. In the past 6 years they have continued to turn a deaf ear to the many concerns of STRS members and that must change or they must be by one!

Our motto moving forward is; "There will be no peace until there is justice for all STRS members."

In closing, let me express my sincere appreciation and gratitude to all all our members for your posts, comments and continued support for MOF.


Larry KehresMount Union Collge
Division III
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Vermont Teddy Bear Company