Suzanne Laird to STRS Board: ".....if each of you, one by one, voted “no” on the budget and the bonuses, we would not need fictional heroes"
From Suzanne Laird
June 15, 2023
Good Morning, Members of MY Board:
Where’s Waldo?
Where’s Wade?
Oh, wait — we are not “allowed” to use real names — another of your foolish rules, so let me refer to him as I did a year ago:
Where’s Atticus Finch?
The most professional, polite, honorable member of this Board was dismissed for purely political reasons last month, and when one of you spoke up, she was repeatedly silenced. Well, when the lawsuit comes before the magistrate, she alone will be able to say, “When they came for him, I spoke up.”
Who will speak for you, when it’s your turn? Will others say, “I was just following orders……… from the Governor.”
This month, I received my first-ever 3% COLA, largely due to the efforts of Atticus Finch, so I donated that amount directly to his legal fund. After all, I’ve waited 7 years, what’s one more month?
But who is our Atticus now?
On a Board whose very reason for existence is to protect and provide for the teachers of Ohio, who will stop the pillaging of our pension? Who here has the fortitude to say “no” to frivolous expenses, excessive raises, exorbitant bonuses?
Who, here, has a conscience?
If each of you chose to follow your own conscience to do what is right, what is just, what is your fiduciary duty, for the active and retired teachers of Ohio, this Board could redeem itself.
And if each of you, one by one, voted “no” on the budget and the bonuses, we would not need fictional heroes.
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