Friday, September 29, 2023

Naw -- a serious case of mismanagement? DAMN RIGHT IT IS!!!

From John Curry

September 29, 2923
Earlier I put out the top 20 paid employees of School Employees (SERS) Retirement System vs. STRS. THERE WAS ONLY ONE SERS EMPLOYEE ON THAT LIST of 20 persons.
Now, let us compare positions 21-60 to see how many more SERS employees we can find in positions 21-60. I have highlighted them in green markers. My, my....look how many SERS employees you DON'T find! These two pages should also tell you something.....that STRS holds down 58 out of 60 of the TOP PAYING POSITIONS!!! THAT IS 96.6%!
What's not to like....if you are an STRS employee!
P.S. Did I mention that SERS (just down the street a few doors from STRS) also rents out about a dozen office spaces for outside business so that SERS can make some money? STRS still refuses to rent out ANY space! What's wrong with this picture?
I would call all of this a "serious case of mismanagement!" How about you?

Larry KehresMount Union Collge
Division III
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Vermont Teddy Bear Company