Thursday, January 11, 2024

ORTA announces endorsement of Michelle Flanigan for STRS Board

From Dean Dennis, President

Ohio Retirement for Teachers Association

January 11, 2024

As President of ORTA, I am happy to announce that ORTA’s STRS Board Endorsement Committee has endorsed Michelle Flanigan for the contributing (active) seat for the STRS Retirement Board. Active teachers will be voting to fill this seat April of 2024.
Michelle has worked as a Government, Economics and Financial Literacy teacher at Brunswick City Schools for the past 26 years. She worked as a financial analyst at American Greetings prior to becoming a teacher. ORTA was looking for a candidate who could analyze pension finances and advocate for the restoration of pension benefits in a responsible manner. During the interview it was clear Michelle had a strong grasp of finances and would be serve as an excellent fiduciary for our members.
Larry KehresMount Union Collge
Division III
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