Thursday, May 16, 2024

David Pepper on the governor's shenanigans

Pension Election Denial, Deja Vu

By David Pepper
May 15, 2024 
It happened like clockwork, but one year apart. 
Right before an election outcome is announced for a seat on Ohio’s teacher pension board, Governor DeWine swoops in with a big, chaotic announcement.
Last year, it was to replace one board member with another (based on an after-the-fact assertion of too many missed meetings…which meeting minutes proved to be false). 
This year (last week), DeWine made an even more charged accusation, based on an anonymous memo, that has now drawn in the Ohio Attorney General. 
And wouldn’t you know it? 
Almost days after each of these dramatic announcements and shakeups, election results are announced that the “reform” candidate in the election—the one demanding more transparency—won. 
It’s almost as if DeWine is getting a heads up on the election outcome in advance, and is then taking dramatic action to negate the outcome—nullifying the votes of teachers and retirees. Hmmm. 
[Note from your blogger, Kathie: I'd blog this entire article, but with all the graphics, etc., it would keep me up all night. It's a great article, though, as all of David Pepper's articles are. You can read the rest of it here.]
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