Friday, June 21, 2024

Suzanne Laird's famous "Aw, hell no" speech to STRS, June 21, 2024

From Suzanne Laird

June 21, 2024
My name is Suzanne Laird.
I won’t bother to list all my credentials and experience, since apparently, I am not considered a “professional” around here…….
You want to know what I consider unprofessional?
An Interim Director who argues harder for her own raises and her “professional’s” bonuses than she does for the people she purportedly represents: the highly accomplished educators of Ohio.
Your contempt for us was never more evident than it was yesterday.
Your contempt was matched only by the arrogance of a Board member who threatened to “cut off the microphones” of the audience. We are not your audience. Our very lives depend on the decisions made here and we will be heard.
You both continually mention the 534,000 teachers as though they are some nameless numbers. Those people behind the glass wall and online listening are ten times more professional than the appointee who yelled, “Awww, hell no” during a public vote last month. And since the highly paid parliamentarian didn’t bother to speak up, I guess that behavior is acceptable.
So, we say, “Aw, hell no” to granting raises and bonuses when our actives work longer for less, and our retirees sink further into poverty without a permanent, ongoing COLA.
We say, “Aw, hell no” when the Director claims she cut bonuses, only to reveal she raised the commensurate salaries.
We say, “Aw, hell no” when the investment bros attempt to convince us they deserve bonuses for losing money in real estate, private equity, and alternatives.
We say, “Aw, hell no” to the Attorney General trying to intimidate our best Board members.
We say, “Aw, hell no” to anonymous, inflammatory letters to the dishonorable Governor, attempting to undermine our efforts.
And we will say, “Aw, hell no” to any Board member who stands in the way of reform.
Larry KehresMount Union Collge
Division III
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Vermont Teddy Bear Company