Thursday, July 25, 2024

Chapter 6 of David Pepper's novel "2025" is now out!

"2025": Mass Deportation

Chapter 6: History Tells Us that Deporting 15 Million People Guarantees a Humanitarian Nightmare; Here's What It Could Look Like
David Pepper
July 25, 2024
One of the clearest commitments being made by Donald Trump on the campaign trail is to unleash the largest mass deportation in history—which he says will involve deporting 15-20 million. History tells us that any operation of that massive scale, fueled by the type of rhetoric he uses (that blood is being “poisoned") will create both a dangerous humanitarian nightmare as well as a broader upheaval of the nation. The deportation camps being described, patrolled by reservists and the military, would take us back to some of America’s darkest days.
Chapter 6 of “2025” takes place at one of the countless deportation camps that they are pledging they will create:
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