Sunday, October 23, 2005

John Curry to John Brandt: Where was the OSBA during the big spending spree at STRS?

Mr. Brandt,

I do realize that your organization has and will continue to take a hard-line position on any proposed increases in the employer contribution rate to STRS. There has been a considerable amount of misspending, mismanagement, and entitlement philosphy during the reign of the "old" STRS Board. This brings me to this question: Why was the OSBA silent concerning this misspending, mismanagement, and entitlements when these were being practiced at STRS. After all, 14% of every earned "teacher dollar" of the monies that your boards contributed to STRS were involved. If I am incorrect about your organization's lack of criticism of the STRS for doing what they did, please enlighten me by sending copies of any and all critical articles or news releases issued by your organization against these STRS practices. Thank you.

John Curry - a Proud CORE member
Larry KehresMount Union Collge
Division III
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