Monday, October 17, 2005

More debate on public participation at STRS Board meetings: 10/17/05 e-mails

[E-mail style: you may want to read from bottom up]

From Kathie Bracy:

STRS Board Policies manual, page 35, paragraph 3:

"The period of public participation may be extended by the Board chair."

If something better isn't worked out by Oct. 20, maybe we need to put the pressure on to put THIS policy into effect at ALL Board meetings, if more that 15 speakers sign up. Dr. Brown did it once; he can do it again; and again; and again; and again; and again. That should carry us up to February.

From Molly Janczyk:

Several board members HAVE given their opinion and do feel all grps. need equal opportunity. Read Curry's concern below! We need to know some measure will be instated for Oct. thru Feb. for public speak.

SUGGESTION: FALL RETREAT: speaking: Public: 1 and 1/2 hrs.

1. 30-45 min; speeches with 3-4 slots for each grp. OEA, OFT, ORTA, CORE, INDEP.-concern has no grp. message or flavor but totally indep. such as a personal (affecting only themselves issue)

2. 30-45 min PANEL DISC. Time; LIMITS on ques.; limits on ans. Direct ques. with respect and ans. with direct specifics.

For ex., Dr. Leone, how do you feel as a board member on such and such issue? Leone responds. This would alleviate rumors by all grps. and be part of the public record. It would be more time efficient and productive at meetings as it would address concerns on the spot and more time efficient for next meetings and on indiv. as concerns would actually be addressed and no need for asking over and over and for months and years to come. Ans. would be heard by all grps and not allow for misrepresentation by any grp.

ANYthing not able to be ans. due to actual research needed to be ans. in 30 days.

From John Curry:

My comment -- yes, but when will Dr. Brown discuss this with the Board -- in February?? If so, that's too late. John

From Molly Janczyk:

Thank you, Damon. That is as my attorney tells me as well. THEREFORE: What CAN WE EXPECT ON THURS. 10/20 RE:SLOTS FOR CORE SPEAKERS and for all grps. attending? I appreciate your timely and specific response. Molly J.

From: Damon Asbury:


The board itself establishes the duties and responsibilities for its members by way of the board policies adopted annually. You can find the board policy manual on the STRS website at

The section detailing the duties of the board chair are found on pages 21-23 of the document.

Dr. Brown does not make decisions for all board members. I am confident that he expects the full board to discuss the issue of public participation and to address the concerns raised by you and others.


From Molly Janczyk:

Damon, Again I ask you and your legal attorney for the definition of the board 'chair' position. So far anything legal interpretation I have received is: To chair means to preside over or direct a meeting. No one interprets this position as making decisions for all without asking their opinions and majority rule or vote taken on issues. No one tells me this means one individual can take liberty of speaking for all other members of a board or committee. It is obvious from repsonses given that Brown DID NOT consult ANYONE or any number of board members on this and decided himself how it would be.

THAT is not acceptable and not democratic nor in accordance with ORC:3307.15. Acting on behalf of membership would mean discussing this and making a majority rule decision. Again, so far , the majority of responses have not been to proceed with the current policy but that new policy should be discussed in Feb. However, some alteration between then and now seems to be the mentality among the emails read.

I wish to see a LEGAL OPINION ON THE DUTIES OF THE CHAIRMAN of the board and WHERE IT IS LEGALLY WRITTEN THAT THE CHAIR NEED NOT CONSULT WITH ANYONE BUT ARBITRARILY DECIDE AN ISSUE ALONE. Yes, a policy is in place but NEW conditions warrant amendments until formally addressed anew. BOB BROWN DOES NOT SPEAK FOR ALL AND SHOULD NOT TAKE THAT LIBERTY! IT IS ARROGANT AND PRESUMPTUOUS AND DOES NOT DEAL WITH THE SITUATION. WE ARE MEMBERS AND HAVE A RIGHT TO A LEGAL OPINION FROM STRS! As I said, so far no attorney I have spoken with feels Bob Brown has that latitude nor that he should have responded as though he did have it. Is the law different for STRS?

Damon, this is not a matter of not liking the answer. I expected Bob to talk with board members and come up with a satisfactory response for all based on all their input. I cannot believe any of them feel not allowing proper representation for all grps is not appropriate. In light of OEA's aknowledged all call last month and published statement calling for members to come and speak and get help for their speeches from OEA CENTRAL due to NEW board members, we may have a new development and plans need be in place should it arise. Slots for each group should be assigned. OEA, ORTA, OFT, CORE, INDEPENDENT with a few slots for all. Independent needs be truly independent concerns not aligned with any organizational active or retiree rhetoric. Should many slots be unfilled, dole them out equally to each group.



FAIR OR FORCE OTHER ACTION! IT IS YOUR DECISION! I feel certain no attorney will agree that Bob Brown had the power to speak for all other board members-esp. those who do not agree with him.
Larry KehresMount Union Collge
Division III
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