Sunday, January 22, 2006

Molly Janczyk and Mark Meuser: Open dialogue on OEA

From: Molly Janczyk
To: Mark Meuser
Sent: Sunday, January 22, 2006
Subject: RE: CORE Meeting Minutes for January 19, 2006: Endorsement Results

Mark, It is the 'probably will vote with OEA's line of thinking' that was the problem not being OEA. Many OEA want collaboration and WE ARE OEA and OEA-R too. We don't want any organization to dominate votes. That includes CORE but we never ask for voting a certain way -- EVER! Only for all membership.

You had to convey to Dawn questions we asked. That's ok. But it did make some wonder about motivation and close ties with Leibenspergers and Allen thinking.
I am happy to have open dialogue with you, Mark, and will not hesitate. My hope is that we can all proceed without the usual smoke screen attempts by Allen throwing out misrepresented statements hoping something will stick.
I think you have very positive communication skills and that you can and should stand on your own merits without mud slinging. If you have influence in that area, great, and it will help keep the election on a higher plane. We are reactionary, Mark. Hall has already taken a hit from OEA with a statement you heard for yourself in the interview. Sadly, his ability to have more time to devote now due to fewer family respon. and a change of M.U. schedules was taken out of context to be THE REASON HE WAS RUNNING: FOR HIS EMPTY NEST SYNDROME! It is shabby and cheap.
Encourage your leadership to run YOU . It is an insult to YOU to have to attempt to lower another . YOUR ASSETS are diminished when that is done.
If it continues, we WILL respond in kind. We have plenty on Conni and her tantrums trying to stop others from speaking because she doesn't like it. OEA opened the door and that was the response to describe her behavior. She does not deserve to be on the board, frankly. We all tried to believe her until she proved herself unbelievable.
We are open until proven otherwise. We are open to communicating with you professionally. You do not have to agree with us. You have to show us your intent is pure and all membership can gain from your position if elected. Ex. If a motion for retirees passes, how does it affect actives? If a motion for actives passes, how does it affect retirees. How does any motion affect each grp equitably. If this grp gains, what can we do to ensure gains for the other grp.?
That is our ONLY goal: membership and HC for all, current and future retirees. We will help do whatever we can for legis. to inc. contributions. OEA continues to ignore our role.
You can utilize it Mark if you know how to put aside any influence except membership -- all of it.
Thanks. I keep an open door unless I am proven unable. Some haven't agreed with me in the past on both sides re: that. And I have been proven wrong a number of times. But I think as a CORE member said in discussion of candidates:
I want to judge candidates on their own merit and not their affiliation or the behavior of other board members of that affiliation.
That's how I feel. Most of what we do is open and shared. So, no info will be given that is not given to all anyway. Closed meeting info will remain closed as with any organ.
I hope to have an ongoing relationship with you.
Thank you for continuing to extend yourself. I appreciate that. We are not the enemy. I hope you feel you viewed honest and hard working people Thurs. who want to protect membership and secure HC for all.
I am copying to Allen and Leibenspergers and CORE in an ever hopeful thought of one day understanding of common goals. I keep saying the same thing, Mark. Stop throwing smut as we are reactionary and will throw unpleasant facts: WE NEVER ATTEMPT UNTRUTHS.
Len's letter said he was dismayed at the leak that we got his correspondence and now he was under attack. It always amazes me how OEA thinks they can insult or throw out lies or items out of context and then when we react, it is US doing the attacking and never mind THEY began with attacks by circulating what they want their membership to hear instead of facts.
You will NEVER find us circulating anything but facts either witnessed or verifiable -- never innuendo based on out of context or without substance. I could easily take anything any of you said out of context and use it for your detriment. Say whatever as long as the entire thought is there, it is fair representation and true, verifiably.
Anytime, you wish for personal dialogue, simply say so or mark Confidential and it will not be circulated. But I think your extension is welcomed by most and perhaps they wish a dialogue as well if you are elected. I admire your perseverance.

Molly J.
From: Mark Meuser
Sun, 22 Jan 2006 05:08:02 +0000

I can assure you that I came Thursday with every intent of securing an endorsement from CORE. Knowing some of the history between CORE and OEA, I realized that it was probably a slim chance since I am an OEA local president and one of the OEA endorsed candidates. As you know, I was candid about that in the screening. However, I also wanted a chance to explain my views to CORE members and to hear their concerns. If I end up being elected to the Board, I will feel a sense of obligation to both active and retired teachers. I also took very seriously Tom Curtis' question in the screening which asked about communication with members. Board members should try to keep lines of communication open to all STRS members.
I don't know anything about what transpired between Dawn Leibensperger and Tom yesterday. I do know that Dawn was at the CORE meeting on Thursday. I saw her in the audience and afterward at the STRS meeting as well. I would like to say that my job as an OEA local president is all about helping my members. With 516 teachers in the district, there are always issues to deal with. I see the position of STRS Board member as an opportunity to do similar things at the state level. As the campaign for the Board seats gets underway, if you have questions or concerns about my stand on an issue, please don't hesitate to drop me an e-mail.
Thanks again for all of your help and for your candor.
Larry KehresMount Union Collge
Division III
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