Wednesday, January 25, 2006

RH Jones: Talented Emigrants Leaving Both Ohio & the Nation

From: RH Jones
To: Tom Curtis and others
Sent: Tuesday, January 24, 2006
Subject: Fwd: The Talented Emigrants Leaving Both Ohio & the Nation

To all:

As the state and national economies stagnate, the media is reporting that Ohio and the USA is losing our recent talented emigrants. They are going back home to greater opportunity!

I think that this may be the first time in our history that this has happened, and the reason is: Our citizens at home and nationwide have not had the will to properly fund public education K-16. This has got to change! Ohio and America have, until the last few years, always led the world in education, and the consequential opportunity that it affords. Traditionally, the talented of the world have flocked to our shores to provide us with the cutting edge of world leading technology.

It is, therefore, time that we ignore politicians who fail education and our children's teachers. Most hid behind the bible and would have us all ignorant and subservant. They selfishly only want wealth and power while, at the same time, failing their fellow citizens. They claim to favor education and business when, at the same time, business clammers for talented workers. And because of lack of education, they are not available for them either here or from overseases. Furthermore, our ancestors came to this Constitutional Republic to escape the ruling class. Now, recent emigrants are going back because of some Americans who think they are the ruling class. Therefore, we can conclude that we need to exercise our wisdom as senior citizen teachers and exercise our GRAY POWER to keep these destructive anti-public education politicians out of office.

We fellow teachers and friends, especially my elderly friends: we are still a democracy, and we can still keep those types out of office who would drag our state and nation down with their contemptible disregard for our teachers, our children, and our future. Yes, we still have a future -- if we vote!

Robert Hudson Jones,
Retired Akron Teacher
Larry KehresMount Union Collge
Division III
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