Monday, February 27, 2006

Molly Janczyk: How we can help

February 27, 2006
I'd love to see this email go out to all and be blogged:
What can we do now to help CORE?
1. Election 2006:
-Bring up your or any school district on the Internet:
-Find the staff listing
-Copy email a couple or so addresses from each school; sometimes photos help make choices-I choose mature educators
-Put those names into a group by district for future emails and elections
-Email them our candidates info first and later flyers and later reminders or text only; then flyers again. If it is a school you are not knowledgeable about include a brief history about CORE and why we came into existence with the first email. If it is one where you have been before and they are informed: Candidate info only
-Walk into schools and find mature educators and leave copies explaining when our flyer or info is taken down, replace; better to ask to give to each educator in blding.
-If you are not comfortable walking in, meet educators as they come and go from school in parking lot
2. Increased contributions for HC revenue:
-Talk with neighbors, educators, and VISIT SCHOOL BOARD MEETINGS to provide prepared reasons WHY School Boards should support increased contributions! Explain that educators are willing to bear increases from their cks for the good of attracting and keeping quality educators who will improve schools and graduate high level students to contribute to Ohio's communities. Without quality educators and graduates, Ohio will continue on its downward path of production and education will continue to be on the lower end of 50 states.
Convince your fellow voters to speak with School Boards and other voters on this issue!
IF we get increased contributions and IF our investors continue to bring in returns unmatched in the country among pension systems, we can lower the unfunded liability and address needs of all retirees: -Increased benefits to offset inflation and HC costs -Reinstate some lost benefits such as Spousal Subsidy.
None of this will just happen as we learned last year with Jim Norris with only a few thousand votes.
We are in the same position this year with Tom Hall who is little known and only backed by CORE.
If each person takes just one hour to contact schools in one district, we can reach voters statewide. Please do not rely on others; only a couple have done this in the past and we have not advanced as a result. This can be done by every one out there instead of some other activity not reaching voters with information of our candidates. ONE HOUR! Please help! No one is too busy to deny us ONE HOUR as we spend plenty of time behind this screen or lunching or TV or traveling, etc.
If you prefer to go to schools directly, great! But please try to spend time at new areas with only touching base at tried and true schools with info. AND if you could manage another hour online to add school contacts by district , even better, as it builds our base of email contacts and makes getting info out there easier.
We have ONE MONTH BEFORE BALLOTS GO OUT! Please take time to add school districts to our contacts and ask them to forward to any educators they can.
Thank you, Molly J.

Larry KehresMount Union Collge
Division III
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