Monday, February 13, 2006

RH Jones commentary: Millions Spent on 'Meth Heads'' Teeth

From RH Jones, February 13, 2006

Today's Beacon mentioned that millions of Ohio tax dollars are spent to repair and replace prisoners' teeth. The damage is done by the use of latest drug fad: meth. The teeth get grossly black and fall out. Oftentimes, dentures have to be made.

My take on this is: at a time when the Ohio population is reportedly nearly 10-12% illiterate, and nearly illiterate, it seems strange that the regressive politicians of our state spend lavishly on prisoners; but, yet, are stingy with money going to public school districts to educate their children. Most certainly, investing in the active/retired professional teachers of students Pre-K-16 will pay off in less prison bills.

Life is choices, I find it hard understand politicians who are compassionate to grownup prisoners while the education of youngsters is being given such a low priority.

Larry KehresMount Union Collge
Division III
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