Tuesday, March 21, 2006

CORE Advisory Board rescinds open door policy to top ORTA leaders

The motion below was submitted today (3/21/06) by Molly Janczyk and approved by the CORE Advisory Board, rescinding CORE's open invitation to ORTA attend CORE meetings.

I have said this many times but to ensure no misunderstanding:


• Hanning
• Scatterday
• Stearns
• Bright
• Toller

We are ALL ORTA. WE HAVE SO MANY VALUABLE RTA MEMBERS AND DISTRICT REPS who work so hard for ALL STRS MEMBERSHIP! I have notably excluded Dave Speas and Lou DiOrio as well as they have made continued efforts to bring ORTA and CORE together.

This is to exclude those who have refused to make any effort to collaborate
on their side.

March 21, 2006


I move to rescind our open door policy to ORTA for CORE meetings due to the following:

1. ORTA has NOT stood behind Tom Curtis regarding the incident with Wes Hisey at the Stark Co. Meeting where Wes put his hands on Tom yelling at him and causing him to move backward unless Tom pushed Wes which he did not do. Tom filed a report with the sheriff and many witnessed this aggressive act quietly leaving vs. anyone stepping up for Tom. Tom has had 2 hip replacements in the last couple of years and I know from experience with my husband's dislocation that a movement back and twisting slightly can pop out the hip. Tom would be well aware of this and therefore tried to move as cautiously as possible while Wes was moving him backward. Tom has also had a hernia operation in the past few years.

Tom called before his visit and Wes was upset over Tom's attempt to pass out flyers to willing recipients. By law, Tom has that right per CORE's legal advice from 2 attorneys on this issue received before this incident.

I sent this issue to ORTA last week and stated if no firm action was taken and firm statement made over Wes' behavior, I would make this motion. There was as usual NO response. Others wrote ORTA as well and to my knowledge received no response. Instead Ann Hanning said it was a lawsuit matter and she could not respond though she knew full well, Tom only filed a police report and we all know that unless attorneys have been retained, NO suit is in effect and anyone can make a statement. This is ORTA's 'modus operandi': To keep silent until an issue goes away. Do not make any waves -- even when obvious misbehavior is committed. Never apologize for wrongs or take any stand over them. The lack of a stand on the issue regarding Tom Curtis in inexcusable.

2. ORTA has refused to invite or contact Dennis Leone though membership has asked for his involvement in writing for the ORTA Qrterly. Their excuse is Leone made conditions for the writing. Leone felt a 'collaborative effort' needed to be made with CORE with a luncheon or breakfast so all membership could see common ground. This was emailed to Hanning and ORTA officers multiple times. CORE invited ORTA time after time to join them at meetings and asked ORTA make some small gesture towards us. Instead, they attended a few meetings and did nothing except enjoy our warm welcome. No effort was made or invitation extended or reciprocal gesture made in spite of Blin Scatterday saying to Tom Curtis and emailing me "We all need to work together." It seems only we need make efforts and phone calls.

Dennis Leone has emailed Ann Hanning several times with issues he felt important for retirees to know thinking Ann might review them and include in the ORTA Qrterly for retiree information. Ann NEVER even acknowledged Leone's attempts or the information he sent.

Several of us have asked that ORTA invite Leone to the ORTA Regionals as our retiree representative on the STRS Board. Dennis is known statewide, retirees want to hear him. Leone has again been ignored. ORTA chose instead to ask Jeff Chapman to write for ORTA. Jeff is a nice man and wants to do a good job. But he is sorely behind Leone on information and experience. He interacts little on the STRS Board and tends to vote along Board lines vs. questioning voting with no documentation as Leone did causing change to this from board members. Leone has questioned line items in budgets to make sure retiree money is not used for inappropriate items. Jeff votes approval without question. RTA's ask for Leone and Leone visits and speaks to them regularly. Chapman has been to none that I know of -- perhaps his own RTA.

Dennis Leone embarrassed ORTA with his report. He thought ORTA would stand up and help with the reductions at STRS but they defended STRS instead. During Leone's interview at ORTA, Leone told them that without retirees, SB133 would not have been enacted with language from Leone in it to unseat any board members abusing STRS funds, and changes would not have been made at STRS. This angered them and they have never gotten over it, evidently. They ignore Leone's positive involvement at STRS, ignore his presence at CORE meetings and NEVER include this retiree representative in anything as they did Endry who agreed with ORTA and defended STRS.

I stated to ORTA last week that if ORTA did not invite Leone to the ORTA Regionals, despite MANY trying to secure that invitation, I would move that ORTA's invitation to join our CORE meetings be rescinded. No invitation has been extended and Leone may call to ask permission to go to ORTA Regionals FOR RETIREES WHEN HE IS THE STRS BOARD RETIREE REP OF CHOICE! NO ONE IS ASKING FOR JEFF CHAPMAN WHO IS NEW TO THIS AND LEARNING.

CORE has made continued attempts for 3 years to involve ORTA and work collaboratively with them. We have met with lack of response, no concessions on any issue, and deliberate attempts to undermine us and absolutely no gesture of collaboration except from Dave Speas and Lou DiOrio.

• Stearns wrote a letter with untruths about Leone during the 2005 election

• ORTA wrote a letter to members to contribute to ORTA instead of CORE (CORE has never done such a thing to ORTA).

• ORTA stood up for STRS when Leone's report came out

• ORTA took no action against STRS or joined in efforts to reduce spending -- ORTA has no language contribution in SB133 as do Leone and CORE to end spending misuse

• ORTA called us a 'few disgruntled retirees' until it could no longer get away with it due to our successes statewide

• ORTA lost miserably in the 2005 election for its endorsed candidates

• ORTA refused to endorse this year despite language stating this right to endorse in fear it would lose again (my opinion along with many others).

• ORTA was not asked to sign the SB133; A CORE member was asked nor was ORTA ever acknowledged at the signing. CORE sat across the aisle and was addressed whenever retirees were mentioned.

We do not need ORTA for anything. Many RTA's are disenfranchised from ORTA; some are displeased and a few remain loyal to ORTA, matter what. ORTA needs membership to grow and instead acts in a manner to hurt itself. ORTA remains steeped in old ways unable to reach out and unable to ever admit wrongs. It will be when ORTA's current leadership is gone and new leaders replace this impenetrable wall of resistance, that we will see our more openminded officers seated at ORTA. ORTA will care not about this withdrawal of an invitation and go on with its stone faced front. It is time for us to stop caring about ORTA. I hear from multiple sources that actives are attending RTA meetings and asking for CORE candidates, actives refuse to vote for OEA candidates and that retirees are being advised to join CORE and not ORTA due to ORTA's lack of action.


Molly Janczyk


It has been moved and carried that the CORE Meetings at STRS are closed to ORTA Officers: Hanning, Scatterday, Bright, Toller, and Stearns. The motion carried. I personally intend forwarding info to all RTA's on this issue. In the letter below, ORTA officials refers to these individuals. MJ
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