Friday, March 31, 2006

Dave Speas: Thank goodness for second chances

March 31, 2006
From the Clark County Courier retiree paper
[This follows an Internet story in which a highway patrolman gives a speeder a second chance.]
Sometimes life is like that. It gives us second chances. Here are some second chances I would like to remind us to be demanding today.
a. STRS has a second chance not to make the same mistake it made in the 90"s. Our retirement organization did not have an emergency plan for the stock market plunge. Because of that mistake, retirees across this state lost major health coverage. Now they have a chance to put a plan into place. If they do not and we have another catastrophe, we won't just lose health coverage, we will lose some of our actual retirement funds. We have to be demanding this.
b. ORTA has a chance to take a look at itself and reinvent the organization and bring it into the 21st Century and be more responsive to the 90 chapters. Formed in the 1940's as an advocacy group, it seemed to move too slowly in the STRS crisis and lost a lot of credibility with its members. It was not formed to be a watchdog group but maybe it was needed in this time and place. It has the chance now to reform itself into a more responsive organization for its members. It is working hard to do so and I am excited to see where it takes us. The chapters must be responsive to the planning as it is to their benefit to do so.
c. OEA-R, CORE, ORTA and other retirement groups have a chance to put the past behind them and join together to do all they can for the retirees in the state of Ohio. There are times when groups may disagree but in over 90% of the cases, they have to agree or they are not working for all of us. Whatever the past grievances, they must be put behind us and efforts put forth by all groups must be for the good of those they represent. If anyone in leadership positions puts the organization before the retirees, then they are not really in the business of protecting them. All the groups have the chance now to come together and be united for retirees. Anything else is beyond understanding.
Thank goodness for second chances. Our local organization must stay true to its members and be part of the action. Expect us to keep you informed, act on your part, and speak for you. However, you must read, ask questions, and join us in helping our organization be all it can be. Our job here is to work hard so we don't have to ask for second chances.
Dave Speas, President
Clark County RTA
Larry KehresMount Union Collge
Division III
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