Mark Fredrick: What sets me apart [from other STRS Board candidates]; Vitae

I have continued to provide leadership for my students and colleagues. It is not something that just occurred to me recently. It has been a continued working, growing, and learning throughout my career. New problems arise and are resolved in on-going succession. In looking over the bigger picture and issues that affect our state’s teachers and education, we can see the results of the NCLB Act, charter schools drain on public schools, legal battles concerning statewide school funding, and changes in our teachers retirement system. As I approach the retirement era, it becomes far more meaningful that it be fully funded and provide quality, affordable health care. The health care should become a dedicated revenue stream co-paid by the teacher at 2-1/2% and the same from employers.
Guaranteed, secured pension funds and affordable health care are the two main issues of my candidacy. Yet we must never forget the past practices and use of our funds, or allow repetition.
I have witness bloated bureaucracy, assistants to assistant, wanton waste, and now severe cuts, lay-offs, RIFS, and transfers as well as school building closings.
I entered into the teaching profession knowing that wages would be somewhat less than the earnings in other professions or endeavors. Yet I also felt teaching was a secure career that would not move to the Sun Belt, or be outsourced overseas. The school calendar and retirement system offset the wages. Never let those golden years become tarnished by an inadequate retirement system. We’re counting on our STRS pension and affordable health care to be there when we retire.
Mark Fredrick
6112 West Smith Road
Medina, OH 44256-8949
Undergraduate: (1971-1975) John Carroll University
B.A. University Heights, OH 44118
Major: English, Minor: German
Prelaw Program Track w/background in Economics and
Graduate: (1975-1980) John Carroll University
M.Ed. University Heights, OH 44118
Professional Experience: Cleveland Municipal School District
1989 - Present Max S. Hayes Vocational High
English Grades 9-12
1986-1989 East High School
English Grades 9-12
1985-1986 Patrick Henry Junior High
1983-1985 Audubon Junior High
1980-1983 Collinwood High School
Lakewood, Ohio
1977- 1980 Saint Augustine Academy
Professional Duties: English Department Head, Max S. Hayes
Chapter Chair, Cleveland Teachers Union
Union Conference Committee
Elected Member of CTU Nominations & Elections Comm.
Community Service and Other Interests: Ohio Department of Agriculture Licensed Poultry Blood Tester
4-H Advisor and Judge: Judge Poultry, Rabbits,
Cats, Hogs
American Bantam Assoc. Dist. Representative For
Ohio and Kentucky
Saint Francis Xavier Church: Adopt-A-Plot Coordinator, Sunday Collection Counter
Gardener (past)
Owner/Operator of Beef & Exhibition Poultry Farm
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