Sunday, April 30, 2006
Thanks, John. Equal kudos go to you for your incredible and unflagging work running the "CORE E-mail Clearinghouse" and to all who provide the material for my blog with their timely and relevant commentaries on a wide variety of issues, ranging in timbre (oops -- that's a musical term!!) from mild to explosive. For the most part, I am only the messenger, just as you are. Dennis has even dubbed me a "Weapon of Mass Instruction." I take that as a high compliment -- thanks, Dennis!!
I do want to point out, too, that my hit counter was just added on January 15, 2006; I sure have a lot of people to thank for reading it, as well as contributing to it these past three and a half months and more!! THANKS, EVERYBODY -- KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK!!! THIS BLOG WOULDN'T "BE" WITHOUT YOU!!!
~ Kathie Bracy
April 30, 2006
From John Curry
Congratulations are in order for Kathie Bracy! Her STRS commentary website ( has just achieved 10,000 hits (10,006 to be exact)!! How did she do it? Well, for starters, she puts in print what is and has transpired at STRS - ALL IN A TIMELY MANNER. She pulls no punches and is not indebted to monied organizations who wish to protect their interests by only allowing half-truths to reach the eyes of their readers OR sidestepping commentary concerning crucial and controversial STRS issues by ignoring them. Censorship is not a word in her vocabulary. She is, indeed, "educating the educators!"
Other STRS related commentary website "hit counters" as of this writing:
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