Captain Kickback becomes toast: A commentary from John Curry

Primary Election Day in the Buckeye State
Jimmy Petro, one of the former "Era of Entitlement" STRS Board members, has been defeated in his bid for our governor! I don't think very many STRS retirees will shed a tear over this news! Looks like his old favorite term-limited "musical chairs" game of jumping from Secretary of State to Attorney General has finally come to an end -- so will his OPERS retirement! Captain Kickback will have to find a new racket!!
The other politically active Era of Entitlement former STRS Board member and term-limited musical chairs participant, Betty Montgomery, is still waiting for the music to stop. Maybe we at CORE can show her the exit door come November.
Stay tuned; if Kenny Blackwell starts Bible thumping (again) this time around with Ted Strickland (a former REAL minister) -- Kenny might get out-thumped! These next six months will be very interesting -- time will TEL (Tax Expenditure Legislation), won't it? Then again, if Strickland is defeated, he could always go back to his former job of being a prison psychologist -- heck, he might even be able to counsel an ethically challenged STRS board member or associate!
John, Today -- A VERY PROUD CORE member
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