Tuesday, June 20, 2006

A 2003 e-mail from Jack Chapman to the SEC: He was concerned about criminals!

From: Chapman, Jack [ChapmanJ@strsoh.org]
Sent: Thursday, May 29, 2003 3:51 PM
To: 'rule-comments@sec.gov'
Subject: Proxy reform (s7-10-03)
To Whom it May Concern at the SEC:
I am an elected trustee serving the Ohio State Teachers Retirement System. Ohio STRS is a $48B public pension plan.
Ohio STRS serves over 400,000 members. We pay over $3B in benefits yearly. We are also paying out nearly $1B in health care benefits yearly.
I am deeply disturbed by the corporate frauds and CEO excesses of recent years. Ohio STRS has personally lost nearly $150M of the pensioner's money in the recent past due to the actions of criminals overseeing some of the companies we own, in trust, for our members.
I would appreciate any improvements the SEC can make to the proxy rules that affect shareholders' ability to oversee the companies they own.
Now is the time to act. It is unthinkable that the SEC should continue to allow the owners of corporate America to operate in the "dark" relative to the management, and in some cases, mismanagement of the companies we own.
Please, I urge you, enact improvements in the proxy rules that affect shareholders' ability to oversee the companies they own.
Thank You,
Jack H. Chapman Trustee Ohio STRS
275 East Broad Street Columbus, OH 43215
Larry KehresMount Union Collge
Division III
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