June 9, 2006
Dear Conni,
I was so glad to hear you tell me at an STRS meeting where we talked that 'We learned from our mistake' referring to our discussion about voting on contracts, etc. without documentation before you. You said it would not happen again. Yet, you are not voting to prevent that. I can not imagine any circumstance where one responsible for membership funds would vote on the use of that money without complete information before them. You said you relied on the attorney's recommendation and learned a lesson. "We learned' and you emphasized it by turning around to face me as I had sat down behind you in the OEA section in the outer room.
Conni, I took you at your word. You added 'Let's keep the doors of communication open.' I put your words out to membership. Now you must live up to your word. Whatever the reason for not voting to approve this motion to have documents in front of you for all votes or to have studied them personally in entirety is not comprehensible. For no other reason than to earn the trust of membership, this should be approved regardless of attorney advice.
I understand some feel some expenditures so small as to be insignificant. It is not insignificant to a needy retiree who cannot afford their meds. John Lazares always stands for these retirees reminding the board of how it looks and affects membership to even appear cavalier about any amount of money. It further erodes trust and hurts gained ground. Dennis Leone will not rest until this issue is resolved to his credit. NO amount is OK to waste unnecessarily and only a corporate mentality of being above the common folk could possible think this way.
I am disappointed in Board Members sent by VOTERS to ensure proper oversight but instead merely mirror other board members. APPOINTEES are not placed by membership and come from backgrounds far richer than mere mortal classroom educators. MEMBERSHIP ELECTED LAZARES AND LEONE TO OVERSEE EVERY ITEM POSSIBLE AS THAT WAS NOT BEING DONE! THAT IS WHY THEY ARE THERE AND WHY THEY WERE ELECTED! I fail to see what other elected Board Members are doing for membership and complaints are being heard about lack of action. Future board seats will be heavily contested if membership lacks faith that Board Members are not acting solely on their behalf.
Dennis Leone travels far and wide to speak to actives and retirees who are adamant on this issue and overseeing the budget which is another item where
9 Board Members lack understanding of the oversight membership wishes.
Except for Lazares and Leone, this STRS Board needs to see retirees, current and future before voting any issue and vote on their behalf. These 2 issues are clearly basic oversight issues and it remains unsatisfactory and unbelievable that 9 of you refuse to vote for the simplest of oversight which you promised to provide.
Sadly disappointed by empty promises,
Molly J.
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