Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Molly quizzes a legislator re: his views on HC legislation

From Molly Janczyk, June 6, 2006:
Thank you, Jim. As you are aware, educators are screening legislators heavily this year. I anticipate your response. Regards, Molly J.
Subject: FW: Rep. McGregor: Front Page"Public Pension Plans: Systems Struggle.."
Jim McGregor to Molly Janczyk & Kristin Malone, 6/6/06:
Dear Kristen,
Please forward our educational paper to Ms. Janczyk. I will work on the other questions.
Molly Janczyk, 5/30/06:
Dear Jim,
Thank you for your reply. You have been responsive throughout this crisis on varying issues. We retirees of STRS certainly wish we were on OPERS State retirements also.
Jim, may I ask you for:
1. Your opinion on the proposed HC legislation for increased contributions. We hear nothing but negatives and this current pension crisis, of course, hurts education in Ohio.
2. What is your stand on fixing funding for education in Ohio? Please be specific on your goals and acts to date. This is something we will be asking and researching for all legislators up for election/re-election at any point from now on.
3. What ideas do you have to improve these areas; work done to date and plans for future assistance to improve education funding in Ohio and pension security with HC for an important group of people: those who educate your children. We cannot possible retain or attract quality educators asking them to take lower salaries AND also have their retirements at risk without or with untenable costs for HC.
Your fellow legislators seems to think we have it too well already. They certainly are not living our lives after dedicating full careers at lower pay for the promise of a decent retirement with HC second to none according to STRS literature. STRS HC Pamphlets discouraged our purchasing other insurance which would only erode our pensions since we had some great HC. Now, we have made irrevocable decisions and are retirements have been robbed. I assure you, Sir, there is NO retirement without HC.
Sincerely, Molly J.
Subject: RE: Dispatch: Article:5/30/06: Front Page"Public Pension Plans: Systems Struggle.."
Jim McGregor to Molly Janczyk, 5/30/06:
Dear Molly,
You asked about State legislator's retirement; we are in the PERS system with the benefits of other PERS employees. The only exception that I know of is that people elected in Ohio, both local and state, can buy a fifth year of retirement benefits for every four years that they serve. They have to pay the full price as I understand it. I am not very familiar with this program; I have thirty-three or four years in now. So I will not take advantage of it. Thanks so much for your important work.
Jim McGregor
Molly Janczyk, 5/30/06:
A Pension System article is in today's Dispatch. I didn't ask to receive it as it is not much new.
But I am quoted and not entirely correctly.
I did not say STRS did not set aside enough money in the system's dedicated HC fund as quoted.
I said STRS did not seek a dedicated stream of revenue for HC in the early 90's when proposed legislation was discussed for guaranteed HC. I said Endry, former Exec Direc who then became the STRS Retiree Board Member said in the early 90's that if something was not done about HC costs, we would not have HC. Instead OEA and STRS said legisation was not necessary and
Dyer said he wanted out of the HC business.
I did go on to say that instead of seeking revenue for HC, the former STRS Board approved perks and pleasures for themselves on our dime. I was also very clear that the amount of money they spent would not have paid for HC. It was just wrong to spend earnings on our money as they did.
PAUL BOYER's quote was much more insightful and pertinent regarding legislators contributing to the crisis by defying (4) court rulings to fix education funding in Ohio. THAT IS THE REAL PROBLEM! (Ohio has never properly funded education and we always rank low in priority to education).
The lawmakers are quoted in this article as feeling educators are liberally pensioned with Wachtmann saying: "The system is already extraordinarily generous."
I ask Wachtmann: QUES: WHAT IS YOUR PENSION AND HC PACKAGE AS A PUBLIC SERVANT? Legislators should have to live like the rest of the public!
Molly J.
Larry KehresMount Union Collge
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