Friday, July 14, 2006

Letter to Gov. Taft: Appoint Tom Hall to STRS Board

From Kathie Bracy, July 14, 2006
Subject: Candidate for STRS Board (to replace Fisher)

Dear Governor Taft,
I wish to recommend Dr. Tom Hall, economics professor and contributing member of STRS, as a replacement for Judith Fisher, your appointee who resigned her STRS Board position this week.
Dr. Hall is extremely qualified and highly motivated to do the job. Moreover, being "one of us," he is far more likely than most to have the interests of active and retired members at heart.
I believe you have already received some information on Dr. Hall. Here is a paragraph from his campaign flyer, used in the spring Board election, that summarizes his qualifications:
Professor Tom Hall of Miami University holds a doctorate in economics, with experience at the US State Department Bureau of Economics and Business Affairs, serving on the Planning and Economic Analysis Staff. He has authored numerous books and articles on business cycles, market structure performance, velocity and variability of monetary growth, economic fluctuations and productivity. His prolific background and expertise in investments, market trends and economics enable Tom Hall to bring his valuable skills and knowledge to the STRS Board. He understands how the economy operates and factors which impact the values of stocks, bonds, and real estate, which constitute the bulk of the STRS investment portfolio.
In addition to his qualifications, Dr. Hall relates well to educators and their needs, something that was sorely lacking in Ms. Fisher.
I cannot urge you strongly enough to appoint Dr. Tom Hall to the STRS Retirement Board.
Thank you.
Kathie Bracy
STRS Retiree (37.7 years)
A constituent who voted for you
Larry KehresMount Union Collge
Division III
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