Molly Janczyk to Gov. Taft, July 12, 2006
Governor Taft: An STRS member asked me for a name to present for a candidate for the investment appointee to STRS since Judith Fisher resigned (showing her true colors and lack of integrity and commitment in the first place in my opinion-has she never had to engage in spirited debate or had to lose before in her life?). Of course, I have no awareness of who walks in that world-Judith Fisher, I believe, lives in one of the priciest, most exclusive areas in the city. No wonder she has little awareness of how a simple retiree must live and how important every penny is to them when many must choose between RX's and food, bills or their very homes.
I feel a person who can relate to the prudent spending of our money should be appointed to the modest persons' board STRS. One who feels what we do when we see large extravagances spent with no documents seen by unfeeling board members who think it unnecessary to oversee our funds.
Only Leone and Lazares are steadfast in overseeing our money with prudent, time consuming efforts to study expenditures, look over budgets line by line, attempt to bring experts to Ohio for inservices for the 5 pension systems so as to spend as little as possible in training, secure candidates who have expertise so as not to have to spend inordinate amounts of time and money for training in areas they still do not understand after months, years on the board.
Lazares and Leone speak about documentation for spending. Why would it ever be ok to approve contracts without documentation, something Fisher thought was fine not wishing to 'micromanage.' Micromanage is WHY we sent Lazares and Leone to the STRS Board and yet many board members still do not get that. Yes, it takes time. Yes, it is more difficult. But, that is precisely why board members are there. Spending limits need be in place for the Exec. Direc. of any Board in order to assure proper outlay of monies. WHY would it ever be ok to give unlimited power to spend our money as was done by past boards and directors? THAT is why we changed the faces on the board and why we demand accountability.
Judith Fisher did not and would not understand that. She was insulting to those who disagreed with her and had no clue about our world. Many on the board still do not have a clue about our world. Meyers removes himself and stays in shadows. He seems little interested or willing to learn about us peons. His attitude seems to be if it is 'only' a certain amount, so what?
These are NOT overseers of STRS membership money. These are not duty bound board members according to ORC:3307.15. We want appointees who can understand our plight. What do the Judith Fishers care about $650 premiums for spouses. Not much. Let us have a person who recognizes what has happened at STRS and wishes positive change with expertise in market trends, investments, business cycles and is recognized for such. LET US CONSIDER TOM HALL, Miami Prof. for this appointment. Prof. Hall was the former candidate for the last election won by OEA candidates. Prof. Hall saw the problems and wanted to be part of the solution. He is knowledgeable in areas of investments and a member of STRS. What could be more perfect!
13,200 votes were cast for him, a virtual unknown, because of his impressive credentials.
I would respectfully appreciate an answer.
Molly Janczyk
[Contact information for Hall and Janczyk has been omitted for blog. KB]
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