Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Annual CORE meeting, Thurs. Sept. 14, 2006 at STRS

From Molly Janczyk, Aug. 28, 2006

Annual CORE meeting, Thurs. Sept. 14, 2006, Sublett Room, 2nd floor, STRS
9:30 a.m. Registration
10:00 a.m. Discussion and vote on proposed Constitution.
Discussion on Focus for CORE and Election 2007
11:15 a.m. Lunch Break
11:45 a.m. Speaker: Tom Mooney, Pres
. of OFT (everyone invited)
1:00 p.m. Public Speak at the STRS Board Meeting. With the earlier start time, the CORE meeting can adjourn.
**Annual CORE meetings are held to decide future focus points. Health Care has been the priority as determined by majority vote at past meetings. Priorities for the next year will be established in Sept. Ideas have been presented and will be discussed in Sept. regarding restructuring CORE. Thus far, there has been a policy of no leaders but action based on majority vote by volunteers.
It had been suggested , that in order to effectively meet and discuss with other major groups, we elect leaders/officers for CORE so groups know who to contact on CORE issues. The leaders would still base their discussions on CORE policy and approved stands by the majority and CORE ADV. BOARD but we would have a spokesperson for the group. They would not individually set policy just as Damon Asbury or other leaders do not and are subject to Board votes on their action. Of course, they would meet and discuss freely but just as any organization leaders do, CORE officers would base their premise on CORE's own bylaws and policies. The Constitution was written to provide for these areas and safeguard CORE.
The Constitution will be reviewed and a vote will be taken on 9/14 on whether to approve it. Names for consideration of willing officers may be submitted to Mary Ellen Angeletti for Pres., VP, Secretary and Treasurer. Election will be help 10/20/06 on proposed candidates.
PLEASE plan to send representatives from your area with input from membership for this important to hear and vote on these important changes. Reps then carry back news to their areas.
Hopefully, leaders and CORE members would oversee areas of concern at STRS for feedback and direction. CORE can benefit by having different members attend various meetings at STRS and perhaps other organization meetings. If this were divvied up, no one person would be responsible for many meetings. Committees were formed and volunteers signed up for them last year but there has been no direction in this area to oversee attending of committee meetings. This needs attention. The idea was good and it is hoped that members who sign up would then commit to attend appropriate meetings and take minutes to report to CORE for discussion and action.
The above is my understanding of possible ideas up for discussion. Any ideas and concerns can be raised regarding matters. Come with forethought ready for open discussion.
Please interact and bring solid suggestions for changes from your local membership. It is important that all are heard and are part of any decisions.
This is a time of new beginnings and an era of collaboration among organizations in areas agreed upon. This is never to say CORE will not be vigilant or remiss in speaking out when need be. But, when good can come from working together for retirees on common goals, it would be in CORE's best interests to do so if it benefits retirees.
There is room for different views and styles and honest, respectful dialogue. Please come and contribute your talents and input for helping all retirees-current and future. Discussion is open and welcome. Good planning based on solid grounds needs dedicated and thoughtful resources: YOU!

Thank you,
Molly J.
Larry KehresMount Union Collge
Division III
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