Sunday, September 03, 2006

Dennis Leone and Molly Janczyk re: legal fees for STRS staff members

From Dennis Leone, September 3, 2006
Exactly my point, Molly. When I saw Damon's statement about retirees' alleged concern about the legal fees being paid for STRS staff members WHO WERE CHARGED, my immediate reaction was that NO ONE has alleged such a thing. The concern, as you know, is the fact that STRS has paid for legal advice given to 3 employees who were worried that they MIGHT get charged. Big, big difference, and it changes the entire context.
Dennis Leone
From: Molly Janczyk, September 02, 2006
Subject: Response to Damon; Zelman
I have heard NO ONE say the fees were for Staff who had been charged. This is not so. It is known it was for staff who were to appear re: former STRS Board Members charged.
Also, the State Superintendent Zelman is obviously very happy with her rep's vote on these issues. PUCKETT is the last of the former STRS Board and needs to exit with his and Zelman's mindset on retiree issues.
Molly J.
Larry KehresMount Union Collge
Division III
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