Sunday, September 10, 2006
On this issue, I DO!! -- John Curry, Sept. 10, 2006
Even though the OEA hasn't said much about the majority of the former and current convicted and/or charged (with Ohio ethics violations) STRS Board Members also being former OEA Executive Committee members (wonder why?), they do say something that I find agreeable. A click on the link below (then go to page 2) of the Eastern Ohio Education Association's newsletter reveals words from a fellow named Darrel. Some of his statements I will quote:
"...teachers and educational support personnel need to be involved in political more than ever."
"If you think that health care benefits, wages, class size and school funding are not political, you need to wake up and realize the dream is over. It is all linked to our state and federal Representatives, Congressmen, Senators, Governor, and President. We need to back the leaders that support public education."
"Like it or not, education is a political issue."
Lest it be confused by some readers, I see nothing in the words above (or in the link below) re. organizational backing (or lack thereof) of a particular candidate for office or the organizational backing of a particular political party.
With that being said, below is the link to the newsletter that would even make Gary Allen proud! In particular, page 2. Have I decided to "kiss up" to the OEA? NO WAY in ----!!
John - a Proud CORE member
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