From John Curry, November 24, 2006 Subject: (COMPLETE COPY of Curry to Asbury - the open records request included) & the Asbury to Curry 061122 response
Note from John - this is a "second sending" with (yes, I included it this time) a copy of my original "open records act" letter to Damon Asbury requesting this information
Below is a copy of a letter that I sent to Damon Asbury on 10-30-06 requesting STRS Board members credit card use. The attachments are copies of what I received in the mail today. John
October 30, 2006
Dear Dr. Asbury,
Pursuant to the state open records law, Ohio Rev. Code Ann. sec. 149.43 to 149.44, I write to request access to and a copy of the following:
1.The name(s) of all current and/or former STRS Board members who are holding or held an STRS credit card(s) since January 1, 2004.
2. The amounts of the charges that were posted by each individual cardholders transaction(s) beginning January 1, 2004.
3. The business or service that each said expenditure(s) in #2 above involved.
I agree to pay any reasonable copying and postage fees of not more than $20. If the cost would be greater than this amount, please notify me. Please provide a receipt indicating the charges for each document. I would request that this information come in the form of an email so as to lessen the costs involved, but will accept the issuance by U.S. Mail.
I would request your response within ten (10) business days.
If you choose to deny this request, please provide a written explanation for the denial including a reference to the specific statutory exemption(s) upon which you rely. Also, please provide all segregable portions of otherwise exempt material.
Please be advised that I am prepared to pursue whatever legal remedy necessary to obtain access to the requested records. I would note that violation of the open records law can result in the award of court costs and attorney fees.
Thank you for your assistance.
John Curry
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