Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Dennis Leone: Bottomless Cup of Wealth and Luxury

Yes, Dennis, this sounds all too familiar! John

Dennis Leone to John Curry, November 21, 2006
Subject: "Bottomless Cup of Wealth and Luxury"

Sound familiar? I see today, according to the Columbus Dispatch, that Thomas Noe was sentenced to 20 years in prison for:

"Spending state money to present a facade that he had a bottomless cup of wealth and luxury at his disposal."

I wonder whether others also fit this definition -- if the word "state" was changed to "STRS". My oh my, can you imagine what WOULD HAVE HAPPENED if Taft had not vetoed Senator Teresa Fedor's bill in 2004 (passed almost unanimously by the House and Senate) to give the State Inspector General the power to investigate STRS. I wonder what a judge would say, if given the opportunity, about pension money being spent on booze, parties, concerts, Kings Island, baseball games, credit cards, beach bar bills, personal computers, personal fax machines, personal long distance telephone calls, multiple trips to Honolulu, etc.

Dennis Leone
Larry KehresMount Union Collge
Division III
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