Saturday, November 18, 2006

Letters to legislators: Please appoint Tom Hall

November 18, 2006
To The Honorable Jon Husted,
Speaker of The Ohio House of Representatives
Re: Please appoint Prof. Tom Hall to the STRS Board
Dear Rep. Husted,
I am writing you and Sen. Harris to urge you to appoint Dr. Tom Hall, Miami University Professor of Economics, to the STRS Board to fill the vacancy left by Geoffrey Meyers.
Besides being extremely highly qualified in the field of investments, as a contributor to STRS, Dr. Hall has one more invaluable credential: HE IS ONE OF US; an attribute that was sorely lacking in Mr. Meyers and which created major credibility problems for him.
The link below will take you to a page outlining Dr. Hall's qualifications and credentials; this material was used in his bid last spring for a seat on the STRS Board.
Thank you for your consideration. WE NEED TOM HALL.
Katherine B. Bracy
Retired teacher
(Street address)
Columbus, OH
(Phone number)
November 18, 2006
To The Honorable Bill Harris,
President of The Ohio Senate
Re: Please appoint Prof. Tom Hall to the STRS Board
Dear Senator Harris,
I am writing you and Rep. Husted to urge you to appoint Dr. Tom Hall, Miami University Professor of Economics, to the STRS Board to fill the vacancy left by Geoffrey Meyers.
Besides being extremely highly qualified in the field of investments, as a contributor to STRS, Dr. Hall has one more invaluable credential: HE IS ONE OF US; an attribute that was sorely lacking in Mr. Meyers and which created major credibility problems for him.
The link below will take you to a page outlining Dr. Hall's qualifications and credentials; this material was used in his bid last spring for a seat on the STRS Board.
Thank you for your consideration. WE NEED TOM HALL.
Katherine B. Bracy
Retired teacher
(Street address)
Columbus, OH
(Phone number)
November 18, 2006
To The Honorable Linda Reidelbach
The Ohio House of Representatives
Re: Please support appointment of Dr. Tom Hall to the STRS Board
Dear Rep. Reidelbach,
I am writing to urge you to support a joint appointment by Rep. Husted and Sen. Harris of Dr. Tom Hall, Miami University Professor of Economics, to the STRS Board to fill the vacancy left by Geoffrey Meyers.
Besides being extremely highly qualified in the field of investments, as a contributor to STRS, Dr. Hall has one more invaluable credential: HE IS ONE OF US; an attribute that was sorely lacking in Mr. Meyers and which created major credibility problems for him.
The link below will take you to a page outlining Dr. Hall's qualifications and credentials; this material was used in his bid last spring for a seat on the STRS Board.
Thank you for your consideration. WE NEED TOM HALL.
Katherine B. Bracy
Retired teacher
(Street address)
Columbus, OH
(Phone number)
November 18, 2006
To Senator David Goodman
The Ohio Senate
Re: Please support appointment of Dr. Tom Hall to the STRS Board
Dear Senator Goodman,
I am writing to urge you to support a joint appointment by Rep. Husted and Sen. Harris of Dr. Tom Hall, Miami University Professor of Economics, to the STRS Board to fill the vacancy left by Geoffrey Meyers.
Besides being extremely highly qualified in the field of investments, as a contributor to STRS, Dr. Hall has one more invaluable credential: HE IS ONE OF US; an attribute that was sorely lacking in Mr. Meyers and which created major credibility problems for him.
The link below will take you to a page outlining Dr. Hall's qualifications and credentials; this material was used in his bid last spring for a seat on the STRS Board.
Thank you for your consideration. WE NEED TOM HALL.
Katherine B. Bracy
Retired teacher
(Street address)
Columbus, OH
(Phone number)
Larry KehresMount Union Collge
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