Sunday, December 17, 2006

Dennis Leone on HB 700 and HB 707

(A message from Dennis to update this returning blogger)
Sent: Sunday, December 17, 2006
Subject: Re: HB 700 and HB 707
Well, the big news is that HB 700 will be not be considered by the Senate until 2007. That's the most important thing. Also, the STRS health care initiative has been introduced in bill form. It is HB 707, and is being sponsored by State Representative Scott Oelslager (R-Canton). He also is the author of the correct records' bill that has nearly passed. We should get the word out that usually, when the calendar year changes, bills are given new numbers. So, we shouldn't be surprised if Oelslager's bill will NOT be called HB 707 in January.
Larry KehresMount Union Collge
Division III
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