Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Damon to Tom re: Three minute time limit

From Damon Asbury, January 30, 2007
Subject: RE: 013007 Curtis To Asbury, Public Speaks Timing
I’ll take your criticism to heart and try to be consistent. By way of explanation, if it is of interest, it is oftentimes apparent that the speaker will wrap up his or her comments at or near the 3 minute remark so I don’t interrupt them with a warning or remark that the 3 minutes allocation has been used. In other instances, when the speaker has exceeded the 3 minutes and is approaching 4, I will note that the time is up. I do try to be equitable, regardless of the tone of the comments, that is to say whether positive or negative. Of course, there are those occasional cases when I do get caught up in the speaker’s comments and forget to monitor the time constraints. I’ll try to do a better job in this regard.
I will let the Board know of your opinion about the inadequacy of the three-minute time limit.
Larry KehresMount Union Collge
Division III
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