Dr. K. Fluke’s speech to STRS Board, January 18, 2007

Dr. K. Fluke’s speech to STRS Board
Issuance of Service Credit for Military Service
- My application for “Free Military Service” was rejected on the basis of parallel time and that all non-military service was not eligible
- Apparently, STRS and those counseling at retirement are not current regarding the differences of service credit, i.e., Active Reserve, Inactive Reserve and National Guard. There is a need for an S.O.P. (Standard Operating Procedure) publication that will delineate eligibility, procedures for application, etc.
- Lame Duck legislation introduced by Representative J. Stewart recently passed and allows National Guard service for the purchase of service credit.
- If STRS and ORSC are afraid of “breaking the bank” and issuing military credit, then it is recommended that STRS survey all active and retired beneficiaries to determine those persons with active, non-active and National Guard service. That would establish eligibility for service credit since this eligibility could be retroactive by law to 1953 and beyond and include all those in military periods, i.e., Korea, Cuba, Viet Nam, Grenada, Somalia, etc.
- My military activity is not designed to take away any military service considerations such as P.O.W. and war zone Red Cross service. My concern is that inactive military service subject to recall by the President and Congress be recognized as is active military service. When one is teaching and receiving promotions in the Inactive Reserve, there is more than a little stress to the individual who might be recalled, as is happening today, with the emphasis on recalling and recalling the reserves.
K.W. Fluke, Ph.D. – Captain USAF (1967 Honorable Discharge)
Life Member of the American Legion
Legislative Chair of
Military Legislation and STRS 2006
Several members of SCRTA attended STRS Board meetings (two meetings) addressing the issuance of “FREE MILITARY SERVICE” up to ten years. Legislatively, this has been by law Ohio Revised Code since 1953 and could be received by retirees or active STRS persons who qualify. The manner in which STRS presents the “FREE MILITARY SERVICE” and qualifications needs review, especially since many current military persons and teachers, some of whom may have been recalled reserves, will need to know, without question, if they might receive free military service for enhancement of their STRS pension. It appears that STRS is not giving free service to those who served in the inactive reserves and received an honorable discharge for this service, if this inactive reserve time was parallel to teaching time. At present, the specifications in the STRS “FREE MILITARY SERVICE” bulletin are vague and confusing, without specific entries itemized for qualifying; i.e., the present writing appears to give consideration for inactive reserve time. At several of the STRS Board meetings, legislative members of SCRTA attended and addressed the issues and had an audience with Gary Russell, STRS Benefits, who said at present, few qualified, and there is a need for this publication to be rewritten. Possibly, there are some retired STRS beneficiaries who may qualify from other conflicts from 1953 on when the legislation was passed.
Since many provisions for military and pension are honored by Ohio Legislation, and STRS, i.e., war zone Red Cross and P.O.W. Why is inactive reserve while teaching given no consideration – staying in the reserve while teaching is stressful. The specter of recall is ever present. Congress/President by federal law can recall this career teacher for a period of 8 years or longer. Obviously, this presents a disruption of career, absence from family, etc.
Military service benefits for pension purposes should be continued by law in STRS. However, the inactive reserve should be recognized and given a pension benefit for time served. ORTA should pursue this and not be swayed by STRS and ORSC interpretations. Many of those making the interpretations have had little or no military experience, especially inactive reserve time. SCRTA legislative committee members will request our SCRTA legislative members to write/submit a bill to recognize inactive reserve qualifications for military STRS pension benefit. The inactive reserve obligation is a federal law mandate; why not
K.W. Fluke, Ph.D.
SCRTA Legislative Chairman
Honorably Discharged Active Duty USAF
Honorably Discharged Captain Air Force Reserve (11 years service)
From the STRS website:
Military Service in the U.S. Armed Forces: Active & Inactive
Table designed to help you compare the impact various types of credit can have on your STRS Ohio benefits
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