Nancy Boomhower’s speech to STRS Board, January 18, 2007

Nancy Boomhower’s speech to STRS Board
January 18, 2007
Good afternoon. My name is Nancy Boomhower. I am a retired first grade teacher from
Legal or Ethical, that is the question! What is legal is not always ethical.
We seem to have two different agendas going on here. Teachers expect ethical, but STRS seems to operate by legal.
As Ben Franklin said, “Watch the pennies and the dollars will take care of themselves.” This is the ethical thing to do, yet we keep hearing the refrain, “It’s only a drop in the bucket and it wouldn’t pay for much healthcare.” My feeling is that if we follow Ben’s advice and watch the pennies – the drops will fill the bucket and make a positive impact on healthcare. This is the ethical thing to do.
What are some of these drops? Well, the C. James Grothaus Child Care Facility is one of them. A few months ago, I spoke on the subject of the child care center and pointed out why it is operating in the red. Still you continue to operate it in the red when it would be so easy to make it cost-effective by cutting staff and/or bringing wages into line with what is paid across the industry. Remember, it doesn’t take a degree to change a diaper. Other daycare facilities are charging the same fees and making a profit. I do not ask that you make a profit; I do not ask that it be closed. All I do ask is that it be operated and cost-neutral. That is the ethical thing to do!
Expense accounts are another drop in the bucket. Is it legal to spend $60 on one meal? Yes! Is it ethical? No! Is it legal to extend your time at a seminar at STRS expense? Yes! Is it ethical? No!
These are only a couple of examples of ethical vs. legal. I ask that you choose the ethical path in all of your actions as an STRS Board member! Thank you.
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