Monday, February 26, 2007

Actives & Retirees-here's your chance to bend a sympathetic ear re: NCLB

From: Brian Rothenberg, Executive Director Progress Ohio, February 26, 2007
Subject: Don't Let Our Children Be "Left Behind" by Congress!
Tell us your story: Are Our Children Being "Left Behind" by Congress?
You've seen kids slumped over tests in anguish.
You've heard the teachers complain about teaching to the tests.
You've heard the experts debate.
As a Member of the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee:
Senator Sherrod Brown wants and needs to hear from You!
How is "No Child Left Behind" affecting Ohio and its students?
Parents! Teachers! Students!
What works and what doesn't about No Child Left Behind?
We'll collect your stories and comments and provide them to Senator Brown, as well as other members of The Committee, so that they can benefit from your input regarding the important issues affecting Our Children's Education.
Thank You!
Brian Rothenberg Executive Director
ProgressOhio - Powered by YOU!
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